We bring help and hope for a brighter future.


Your gift changes lives.

You make all the difference!

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What people are saying about AZCEND

“AZCEND has served Chandler and surrounding communities compassionately for many decades.

“They continue to be creative in meeting the complex and changing needs of people. Whether need takes the form of homelessness, hunger, mentoring, education or affirmation, the hard working staff of AZCEND are enthusiastic, hard working and committed to changing lives and communities.”


Mayor Kevin Hartke
City of Chandler

“AZCEND’s five-decade commitment to strengthening families and improving the quality of life for all community members, especially for those who face poverty or for whom mental illness, isolation or age puts them at unusual risk, is astounding. The Town of Gilbert appreciates your particular dedication to help our residents with emergency food boxes, financial education and assistance operating the Gilbert Senior Center.

“AZCEND is a huge part of what makes Gilbert great.”


Mayor Brigette Peterson
Town of Gilbert

“For decades, The Town of Gilbert and its surrounding communities have been blessed by the hard work and dedication of AZCEND.  AZCEND has selflessly served Arizona individuals, families and senior citizens with opportunities and assistance to help folks get back on their feet, while creating a true sense of community.  Thank you, AZCEND, for everything you do.”


Former Mayor Jenn Daniels
Town of Gilbert